The Adventures of Heather in Chicagoland

The Adventures of Heather in Chicagoland

Friday, May 7, 2010

"I'll be Like Funshine and Make the Sunshine..."

WOW...Today officially marks that I have lived in Chicago for a month. Isn't that wild?Sometimes when I'm sitting on the train or walking around, I can't believe that I really am here.

This week has been glorious! I had my first visitor---Ms. Kari Barnhart! It was such a sweet gift from God to have her here with me for a few days this week. It was nice to have a bit of "normalcy" so to speak, which I had been praying for. Kari knows me, so it wasn't like I had to pour out a lot of effort in getting to know her. We just caught up, had a lot of laughs, and enjoyed this beautiful city! The weather has been abnormally cold (well at least for me) the past few days, but earlier in the week it was perfect. The sun was shining and it was warm with a light, cool breeze.

Brunch has always been Kari and Is "thing". Back in Tyler, we would look forward to Saturday morning brunch dates at Cafe Tazza for omelette's and Belgium waffles, so it was only appropriate to start our day with a trip to my favorite brunch place, Orange, with a peel. This is the place that I promise to take everyone who comes to visit. The weather was SO nice that we decided to enjoy our meal on the patio. Kari and I are notorious for ordering a pancake or a waffle and an omelet, and then just splitting it all so we can have the best of both worlds. Today was no different.

Our appetizer: Amazing fruishi. Watermelon sticky rice with green apple and pineapple, accompanied by coconut rice and strawberries. It was delicious.
The Cinnamon Roll pancake. It is BEST pancake I have ever had in my LIFE! It was SO sinful, yet absolutely HEAVENLY! It is 2 cinnamon infused pancakes with a pecan, cinnamon sugar medley sandwiched in between and then covered with vanilla glazed icing and powdered sugar. We couldn't finish it. And needless to say, we didn't eat anything else the rest of the day! Except the free chocolate we managed to score TWICE from Ghiardelli's.

Fortunately, Kari has been to Chicago numerous times, so we didn't have to do any of the touristy stuff. I'm sure I'll get my fair share of that when a lot of you come to visit ;). Therefore, we did what 2 unemployed girls do best...SHOP!!! We hit up our favorite stores on North Michigan Ave. : Forever XXI and H&M. We did some major damage at both stores. I conveniently get to blame Kari for all my purchases (a pair of sandals, a shirt, 2 summer dresses, a pair of matching earrings, and a pair of sunglasses.)!!! It was a great day!

Then on Wednesday, we celebrated Cinco de Mayo by laying out, swimming in the hotel's HEATED pool, eating Italian food, and worshipping in an all-black church :) margaritas for us, but we had another wonderful day. Both of us got a little bit of color without getting burned! We were only outside for about an hour---I put on 55+ sunscreen twice and still got a lil pink. Somethings will NEVER change.

Later on that day, I went to my first IMB Appointing worship service and it was AMAZING. There was an incredible time of prayer, all the missionaries going to different countries shared their stories, and then the most awesome time of worship. This was the first time that I had been to an all ethnic black church. Those brutha's and sista's sure know how to lift it up and praise our King! I had such a good time being in the presence of this powerful choir. It was wonderful to clap our hands, get up out of our seats and worship. Here is a picture of the choir:

Thank you, Kari for coming to visit! It was WONDERFUL to have you here with me! I love you!!!

So I've decided that people in Chicago do not celebrate Cinco de Mayo like we do down in Texas. Then again, we don't celebrate St. Patty's Day like they do up here, so I guess it evens out. I was just a little surprised that there wasn't anything going on and that none of the Mexican restaurants had any drink specials on Mexican beer and margaritas.

So last night I went to Angels & Mariachi's with my friend Adam to enjoy a margarita on Seis de Mayo. Better late than never...

Cheers! Happy Seis de Mayo!

My first Chicago margarita. It was good, but not Texas good...

After enjoying my large margarita, like any good girl, I broke the seal...this is what I found in the ladies room and it really tickled me. Sorry fellas...

Well I better wrap this up for now, I've got a few errands to run and some friends to meet up with in a bit, so have a wonderful weekend! I'm headed to Chicago's Celtic Fest...Oh yes friends, be prepared for a lengthy blog next week about my adventures at Millennium Park with all the hot Celts in Kilts with accents. I can hardly contain my excitement!!! :D I'm just praying the weather cooperates!

And to my Mum and all my mom's out there...

Happy Mother's Day!!!

These are the flowers that I sent my mum today at work for Mother's Day. I managed to make her cry buckets! Score :D! I wish I could be with her this weekend :(, so if you are fortunate enough to get to spend time with your mom, enjoy every moment with her! Love her well not only for the holiday, but always.

Aren't they pretty? I picked them just for her! Flowers by LouAnn always does a great job!

P.s. I went on a couple of interviews this week. I don't want to disclose any details just yet, but things went well and I'm in the deciding stages. I'll keep you posted as things become more definite.

P.s.s Thank you to all of you who are concerned about the state that Chicago is in in regards to the National Guard wanting to come in because of all of the gang violence and murders that have been happening. I have already received several texts and I am OK. I am extremely cautious wherever I go and I am not out late by myself. I have already received several text messages about the Old Navy shootings that happened earlier this morning. I am fine, at home, and safe. Just continue to pray for Chicago, just like you pray for the rest of the world. I refuse to walk in fear and I pray daily for this city. God has me here for a reason and I will continue to be a "light" in a "dark" city.

Love to you all from my wonderful city,

Heather :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Heavy Heart

I was going to blog tonight, but after a day of processing and prayer I have rather a heavy, weepy heart...therefore, it's probably best that I just go to bed.

I will write more tomorrow, I promise.

BUT, I will leave you with this (the last things I read before going to bed):

I am the daughter of a King, a woman, skillfully crafted by my Lord, here to speak, preach, and teach, the truth of the gospel of freedom and grace to those who have been oppressed by the lies of Satan...

But now, this is what the LORD says—
He who created you, O Jacob (Heather),
He who formed you, O Israel:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the LORD, your God."

Pleasant dreams friends.

I Am Lion...Hear Me ROAR!!!!

I'm reading this amazing book that was recommended to me from a dear friend. It's called In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day. I am on Chapter 4 and it is rocking. my. world! It is tackling all of the issues I am currently experiencing.

Let me explain...this week has been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. I've had my highs and my lows, but what it really boils down to is I have been putting the God I know to be faithful and love in box. #ihatewhenIdothis!!!! I allowed my "mental lions" where the job front is concerned get to me and destroy what I know to be true.

All week I felt like job hunting had become the never ending task...To be quite frank, it was becoming down right miserable. I felt like I was doing the same thing every day....getting on multiple sites, reading job descriptions, tweaking my cover letter to fit the description, bolding different duties on my resume' that would stand out to employers, I'd hit send....And I get NOTHING in return. It was VERY frustrating!

And in my frustration EVERYTHING seemed worse.

The thing is...I know I am supposed to be here. I absolutely LOVE it here, I don't want to leave, and I know God brought me here for a reason, but if I'm being real...I couldn't help but be like "OK God, I'm here, I've been restless for 8 months, and I have had NO normalcy for a month, I'm ready to be used, I'm available and open to whatever it is you have for me...reveal to me what your plans are for me. I'm going insane..."

So needless to say, God is stretching me---BIG TIME! It's been difficult, but beautiful . He's constantly showing me that I need to un-learn a lot of my reactions and learn from Him.

I'm being reminded that the same God that brought me here has a plan and something WILL work out. Therefore, I REFUSE-here me-I REFUSE to let the enemy try to feed me anymore lies of fear and discouragement!!!

God is SO good. He thrives on what we deem "impossible ," but with God we know ALL things are possible. When we get to that place where we think there is just absolutley no way something can work out, He comes in and miraculously takes care of every detail and blows us away. Our testimonies become stronger and His name is edified more.

So on that note, I am full of joy and trust that God is going to provide. I'm going to keep pushing on ward, praying, reading scripture and this fantastic book while enjoying the many blessings God gives me everyday...

As far as the highs this week...I did some really cool and fun things. A few times this week I found myself at my max and had to take a break from job hunting because it was all becoming too much. I had the privillege of exploring the city some more, a few play days with friends, and celebrating my roomie Britt's life.

As always, I'll leave you with some pics...

"Nobody better lay a finger on our butterfingers!!!" *insert Bart Simpson voice* The weather in Chicago has been amazing this week. Jeremiah and I decided to have a picnic in Millenium Park on Wednesday. We had a good time.

We went to the MOTHER of all Macy's department stores. I stood in the same spot and took a picture of what was below me and above me. It's CRAZY big with lots of pretty things. Be proud of me that I walked out without purchasing anything.

I stood on the glass ledge at the Sears Tower (i'm going to be a true Chicagoan and call it that--yes, I am aware its now called the Willis Tower). It was crazy! I am not afraid of heights, but it took me 20 minutes to step on the glass. Something about standing on glass was a little scary. The view was amazing and such an adrenaline rush! I was scared to look down, but I did! Look how small those cars are?!!!!

Celebrating my sweet Roomie Britt's b-day by having lunch outside at Sultan's Market. OMG it is wonderful and I am sure it will becomes one of my favs. It's crazy cheap and insanely delicious. I had the Chicken Schwerma Pita. It had spicy chicken, onions, hummus and jerusalem salad (fresh diced cucumbers). So good!!!

I hate this picture. I need a haircut and I am pastey...Anyways, at Sultan's Market they had a drink called Aloe. Yes folks, it is what it is. I'm not afraid of much, so I decided to try it. Just as I took a sip, Tommy says "Is that floating pieces of aloe in there?" I conveniently happened to get a large piece of floating aloe. The texture not so much, but the drink was actually pretty good. Very refreshing and tasted a lot like gatorade. (I know Audra is cringing)

After lunch, we decided to take an afternoon stroll through Wicker Park and the Ukranian Village. Guess who's house this used to be? Ever heard of a little band called the Smashing Pumpkins? Well, this was lead singer Billy Corgan's house. He no longer lives there, but I think he left a lot of things behind. I didn't post it, but right inside the glass door there was a tall, stuffed, dragon-like butler replica holding up a tray. Weird...
A side view from the house. I had to climb up a gate, so sorry for the tree. Can you tell from the glass inspired wall that this house has very 1990's rockstar feel?!

Me and my friend jess being silly. We went to the Fizz Bar & Pub in Lincoln Park to watch Chicago's Bye Bye Liver, an interactive drinking play. It was funny, but I had more laughs with Jess after the show. Not really sure that it's worth $20 bucks.

Well, I better get back to the good ol' job hunt. Oh what fun :) I hope you all are doing well. I love and miss you all...


-Ms. H

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The MAVS are trying to kill me...


The Dallas Mavericks make me SO ANGRY!!!! Really fellas?! I know the refs are making some bad calls, but COME ON! I can't watch this...they could seriously drive me to drinking...

Instead I am now going to indulge in Skinny Cow Cookies & Cream and watch the Lovely Bones...

Piece, Love & Cheeseburgerism

Let me go ahead and apologize if this entry ends up not making any sense. It truly is a battle for me to keep my eyes open right's a cold, rainy, lazy Sunday, essentially the perfect scenario for an afternoon nap. And while that may become reality soon, I thought I would go ahead and make the most of this time and be productive.
I had another wonderful week in the Chi. Although I have been having a lot of fun, I am not dense to reality or lacking in my priorities. I need a job. Preferably one that involves more than learning the city and praying for people. I need something that can keep me a float and bring in some moolah. Otherwise, I'll be coming home...

I have complete peace and trust that God brought me here and has me here for a reason, so I know He will provide something, I'm just wondering what and when? I'm just SO ready to begin setting up roots and getting planted. God has so faithfully provided for me physically, spiritually, and financially. He has set me up with great community so far, He's given me opportunities to build new friendships, allowed me to find my way around and get acquainted with the area, a place to sleep at night, food in my belly, and the financial means to sustain myself here to where I'm not totally broke yet.

I truly believe that something will come along soon because I know without a doubt I am supposed to be here. I have been on the job hunt like crazy. I seriously have applied for so many jobs...that I can't believe my phone isn't ringing or that my Inbox isn't full. I have been on one interview and it went well, but I'm not sure how it is going to turn out.

I guess God is still preparing something for me and I am just to continue learning and enjoying this time because it's rare and it will fly by, so my friends that's what I'm doing...enjoying...and I am LOVING every minute of it.

This week I had the pleasure of joining Cheeseburgerism. What the heck is Cheeseburgerism you ask? Only one of the coolest, most clever ideas that I have ever heard of. Back in the fall of 2009, Chicago Magazine published the "Top 30 Cheeseburgers" in all of Chicago. Creator of Cheeseburgerism, Jeni, had this brilliant idea to try all of these cheeseburgers as a social event with her friends. Hence, "Cheeseburgerism" was born!

Members of Cheeseburgerism get together every other Tuesday evening to indulge in their love of cheeseburgers by visiting one of the Top 30 restaurants. Where the members end up is determined by the waiter/waitress at the previous burger joint. They are asked to choose a # between 1-30 and that's where we go next.

The first night I attended, I had the pleasure of going to the Prairie Grass Cafe' and enjoying what was voted as THE #1 burger in all of Chicago. It was incredibly tasty, but I'm not sure that it was the #1 burger in all of Chicago? According to the other members of Cheeseburgerism, they agree. It's definitely high on the list, but they all shared that they have had some insanely good burgers at some of the other restaurants on the list.

The #1 Cheeseburger in all of Chicago:
Ground sirloin burger, topped with blue cheese, caramelized, grilled onions, grilled tomato, and two potato wedges. DELICIOUS! I ate EVERY bite. Mainly, because this burger cost $15...and
it didn't even have a bun!!! Can you really classify it a burger, if there is no bun? Just a thought...

Anyways, next time we'll be heading to #6, Naha...can't wait!
<While we're on the subject of food...I went to a Mexican restaurant with some friends after church today. The company was great, but the, it was different. Everything here is different, even down to what we call it. It was weird not having red salsa and butter on the table with fresh chips. Or when you ask for queso, you get melted grated cheese on a plate....seriously. This happened. I laughed so hard...> random comment

Also this week, I finally got to check out some IMPROV at iO with my new friend, Jessica (from couch surfing). iO is Chicago's BEST Improv Comedy Club. This is where favorites such as; Chris Farley, Mike Myers, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Bill Murray got their start. We had a really good time. I laughed so hard my stomach hurt. I love that I have this available. Pretty much every night of the week they have certain comedy troupes who perform weekly and it's only like $5-$7 to get in. TOTALLY worth it. I can't wait to check out Jessica's troupe. They perform at an Irish pub next to the iO called Mullens every Monday night at 8p.m. and it's FREE! Score!

Oh, speaking of Tina Fey...I just love her. I saw Date Night last night and really thought it was cute. Mark Wahlberg was insanely hot in that movie. Wow. And I was pleasantly surprised to see Mark Ruffalo in the movie. I love him!!! I wish he had had more screen time.

I know that I mentioned the weather has been cruddy this weekend, but earlier in the week it was BE-YOU-TI-FUL! My friend Corey and I enjoyed eating outside on the patio at this fun brewery on Division called the Boundary. We sat outside for 4 hours Thursday afternoon enjoying tasty, dark beers and the most amazing Chicken Fajita Pita of my life!!! There are no words to describe how tasty it was. Here I am pre-lobsterness. I got uber sunburned. I really need to invest in some sunscreen...

Last night, Corey and I went to Piece which I've already been to twice in the 2 1/2 weeks I've lived here. I've decided that all we do here in the Windy City is eat, drink, and be merry. And I like it.

Us being silly at Piece:

Well, that's it til next time friends...
Lots of love from the Cold, Wet, Windy City,
Heather :0)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Weekend Told By Pictures

This was my entertainment while doing laundry yesterday. This sweet boy melted my heart and I wanted to take him home with me. Meet A.J. He didn't speak much English, but he would come up to me, rub my leg, and repeat "Hi" over and over, and twice said, "My name AJ. Give me hug!" and then he would reach out for a hug! *sweet awwww face! How could I resist!*

This just made me crack up...

This is a Tap Jam performed by the members of the Chicago Tap Institute. That's right folks. I'm not in Texas anymore. Jaimy and I enjoyed BBQ, red wine, and a front row view of the "you got served, minus the beef" tap off. It was awesome.

Peach Punch Tea @ Cafe Ballou. Delish.

One of the many indie boys to perform. I'm not complaining.

The most AMAZING pancake flight from my favorite brunch place: Orange, with a peel.

Everyone who comes to visit me will be taken there at some point. Don't worry.

Enjoying one of my favorite Scottish beers at the Tilted Kilt before heading to a Shabat dinner with my new friend Jeremiah (who also just moved here and is roomates with my roomates boyfriend. Texas is representin'. Small world.) Side note: The Shabat dinner was definitely interesting. I've never gone anywhere where I have blantantly been referred to as a Gentile. Seriously?! Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures from that...

The name says it all. It's almost the equivalent to a Scottish version of Hooters, minus the lame beer and hot wings. They had real beer and fish and chips.

Love from the Windy City,


Holy Rollers & Couch Surfing

Good afternoon my lovelies! There is SO MUCH to cover in this blog...if you read through all of this, bless you!!! This blog may get kind of random and jump from one thing to the next, but that's just so like me. Random.

Let me just start by declaring that God is doing some AWESOME work in this city...and A WHOLE LOT of work in me!

My prayer life has grown significantly, and I do mean SIGNIFICANTLY since being here. I find myself praying more than normal. I'm not just praying in the morning, at night, and when people specifically ask for it. I'm praying ALL day long---whether it be silently, out loud, in public, at our house, or at others, on the streets, with my roommate's, wherever, whenever.

God is using prayer in my life in a powerful way. I feel that He is specifically showing me things and allowing me to see what others around me may not. It is incredible how many opportunities I have had to pray, and what's even more amazing, is that I have boldly prayed without hesitation or fear! It's as though I have truly reached FULL freedom in Christ and have more direction and clarity on why He has called me to this city.

I have seen a lot of things that I would most likely never see at home. For instance, I have witnessed a man overdose on the bus. I have seen a man get jumped over money right outside my door, and drug deals daily on the street. When I see these things, it hurts my heart, but then I'm quickly reminded that this is exactly what I prayed be stretched, to be uncomfortable, and to be used. You would think that seeing all these things would scare me or make me feel icky and sad, but they actually make me love and want to serve God more.

God has really been convicting me recently how much I need to be praying for the world and it's people. When I see these things happen right before my eyes and when I hear about awful things on the news (earthquakes, volcanoes, etc...), it opens my eyes to how many lies and how much pain, hurt, loneliness, and suffering there is in the world.

I just can't seem to be stop praising Him enough for every little thing that He has done for me, is doing in me, and to all those around me. I feel so lucky to be chosen to be a part of His work here in the Chi. I am SO thankful for godly, passionate roommates who I can be real with and that I have totally connected with. We are truly learning a lot from one another and challenging each other in how we do life, yet we are walking diligently in the Spirit together through community, prayer, and worship.

So I just can't seem to say it enough, I love this city and I love these ladies that I live with. I am uber blessed!!! All we seem to do is laugh. I have belly laughed so much in the past couple of days that you would straight think I was drunk. We're goofy.

Heidi (over breakfast this morning): "I feel so irresponsible. It's 9:55 on a Tuesday. I'm 30 years old, I just woke up, I don't have a job, and I am eating banana pancakes with 6 others in the same boat."
Me ( I just laughed ridiculously): " Ummm...because we can! I love it!!!"

With all of that said, I feel like I am supposed to stay in this neighborhood. I really, really like it here. I mean, I have begun to build a community of friends here. I am learning this area very well. It has a lot of the amenities I enjoy like book and music stores, funky boutiques, wine bars, coffee shops, etc... I have easy access to downtown and almost anywhere I have interest in going in the city. You'll be happy to know that I am MASTERING public transportation. I've got the blue line, red line, and most of the important buses down! I'm fair proud of myself.

I'm really enjoying this time that I am getting to explore. It would be nice to begin to have some normalcy by having a job and my own place, but God will provide when the time is right. Therefore, I'm not too worried about it. I have applied for a lot of jobs, so now it's just the wait-and-see game. Thankfully, I am not in a place where I am TOTALLY broke yet :). I have been eating PB&J like it's going outta style!!! I'm going to be SO over it soon enough, but I have discovered Aldi's!!!

It's ridiculously cheap. Everything is pretty much ALL generic, but so far everything I have purchased has been good. I've also discovered Trader Joe's and when I'm feel saucy I splurge on some of their products. Thus far, my favorite finds: dark chocolate covered blueberries, tomato basil hummus, fat-free sea salt pita chips, and black bean salsa. Oh my lands!!!! Yum! All this talk of food is making me hungry...

*lunch break and run (it's still going good by the way~thank you Neshia Rudd for the Podcast interval recommendation. It really is worth checking out and has helped me tremendously!)

So what else has been going on...

OH! Let me preface this next story by saying that, NO...I have not lost my ever-lovin', cotton pickin' hold the sighs, the 'what was she thinking' thoughts, and breathe. My mum didn't raise no fool. I am here and I am OK.

There is this fairly new trend known as Couch Surfing. It's actually been around since 1999, but it's becoming more known in the states as of late. The concept of Couch Surfing is to provide accommodations (i.e: your couch) to complete strangers who need a place to stay while they are in town. It's kind of like hitch-hikers meets social media networking (facebook). Sounds a little scary, I know. My friend Jaimy convinced me that I really should get on that site and check out their meet up events because not all CS's are looking for a place to stay. They may just be visiting town for the day and looking for someone to go do things with. She encouraged me that it would be a great way to meet more people. I battled back and forth whether or not I even wanted to check out the site. 45 minutes later, I was on the site...

The only event that I could find was a CS Potluck that was being held on Sunday night from 5-10 p.m. at someones apartment on North Michigan Ave.After much deliberation, prayer, and getting over my fear that someone would rob me, stab me, poison me, and leave me for dead, I decided to check it myself. *breathe*

It was absolutely one of the most BOLD, stretching, INCREDIBLE experiences of my life. I loved it. I got all the way downtown without any problem, found the apartment OK, walked in, and I met 8 awesome people who were in the same boat I was. It was really cool and crazy how God matched me with the right people. One girl that I connected with is a 25 year old nanny from South Carolina. She has been here for a little over a year, doesn't have a lot of girl friends, and lives in my neighborhood!!! Are you freaking kidding me? it was awesome. All the things I wanted to try and all the places I wanted to go, she loves or has wanted someone to go with her. *raises my hand* "Take me, take me!" Needless to say, we exchanged numbers and have plans to chill at Myopic books, rummage through records at Reckless, enjoy coffee at Ipsento, wine taste at Red+White and eat outside at Irazu's. I'm excited!!!

This week Chicago is having their Improv Fest. I plan to check out some of the shows. One of the girls I met at the potluck, ironically produces her own Improv show, loves Texas, going out, laughing, and shares the name with my very best friend Jessica. We also exchanged numbers and plan to hangout. #superawesome

Adam our awesome host, is also new to the city and wants someone to explore the city with. He's in grad school studying Structural Engineering, so when school slows down I'm sure we will be getting together. #blownawaybythispoint

So all in all, my experience was very positive and broke every myth/judgement I had on the whole idea. I would totally recommend attending a Couch Surfing event to anyone who is looking to meet people. Just be smart, aware, and if you feel uncomfortable leave. To be totally honest, I didn't take my coat off, or put my purse down and I sure as heck didn't eat or drink anything until I felt OK (30 minutes in).

So this post is getting pretty long, so I better get busy doing other things. Besides my precious friend and roomate Brittney just walked in on this beautiful day with some "greenery" that she picked outside. As it turns out, the "greenery" she brought in, just so happens to be Poison Ivy! LOL...a genrous freak out is now happening, while the rest of us are laughing.

I love and miss you all!

